Carnival festivities in Fuerteventura.
The Fuerteventura Carnival is one of the most anticipated popular festivals, with a great tradition and roots among the Majoreros and local inhabitants, also arouses much interest among the visitors to the island, for tourists it is a spectacle of color, joy and imagination.
When is Carnival celebrated?.
These parties are held once a year and runs between the months of February and March.
You have to take into account that each municipality celebrates its carnivals on different dates, the most outstanding being those of the capital Puerto del Rosario, Tetir, Antigua, Corralejo, Caleta de Fuste, ect …
Each year the Carnival has a different theme, both the scenarios and the costumes tend to be related to this theme, on the other hand there are many traditional celebrations that usually have a free theme.
The main events of the Carnival.
Carnival queen
Street Bands
Gala drag queen
Carnival fun fair rides
Arre-Trankos Race
Archipencos Regatta
Carnival Verbena
Burial of the Sardine
Soon we will expand the information about this event, do not hesitate to ask for information at your reception, the nearest tourist information office, so you will not miss the best of these parties.