Fuerteventura busline – Line nº111

Bus Line nº111 in Fuerteventura from Morro Jable to Cofete.

This bus line (bus) begins its journey in the capital of Morro Jable and ends its journey in the town of Cofete. This line runs along the coast of the island of Fuerteventura, you can enjoy the scenery part of Fuerteventura.

We give a list of locations that may go along these lines:

Morro Jable > Cofete > Punta Jandia.

Feel free to enjoy this line of bus services in Fuerteventura

Time of travel of the bus line, you can confirm an update from this timetable on the official website of the bus line TIADHE.COM and you can also download this timetable in PDF.

More information about transport timetable.